For your safety and everyone else's, now is a great time to try teletherapy for your counseling sessions instead of going to the office for an in-person session.


Given the COVID-19 implications, I chose to stop all in-person sessions on March 15 as a way to do my part to slow down the transmission of this frightening pandemic. Instead, I am offering telehealth, also called teletherapy sessions.  Teletherapy is just what it sounds like – therapy via the computer or a phone.  I’m using a HIPPA compliant, confidential platform that allows my clients and me to see and hear one another.  So far, everyone seems to like it.  For those that are wondering, here’s how it works:


I set your appointment up as a teletherapy appointment and you receive a unique link for the teletherapy session.  If you are using a phone or an iPad, you download a free app ahead of time.  Otherwise, you can use your computer.  10 minutes before the appointment, you receive a reminder. When it’s time for your teletherapy session, you simply click the link. A screen will appear and we will be able to talk and see one another.  My software even allows me to share a screen with you and show a video, a PDF, a web page etc.


You can contribute to having your teletherapy session be more successful by choosing a quiet and private location that is interruption-free. The location should allow you to feel safe to share your thoughts and feelings without fear of being overheard by someone. If you can't find that in your house or work environment, you can even consider sitting in your car on your phone. Try to be as comfortable as possible. Grab your favorite drink. Wear your favorite PJ's if you want! Therapy is all about helping you feel good, so the goal is to set up an environment that allows you to do that.


I have been wanting to offer teletherapy for a while. There is a huge need for therapists in many remote areas, and telehealth is often the only option for these folks.  Research shows that teletherapy can be just as effective as in-person therapy. Even if we were not currently living with quarantines and the fear of COVID-19, teletherapy is a great option. It's ideal when the weather is bad, you or your kids are sick, you can't leave work for a therapy appointment, you need a provider with a specialty, and there aren't any in your area etc.

I always like to reframe things as positively as possible so the one thing that this nasty virus has done has been to motivate me to offer teletherapy services. The only other positive is that my teen is stuck at home and is suddenly more interested in hanging out with me.  I really like that part!

Finally, I encourage you to try teletherapy.  If you are waiting to start therapy, now may be a good time to reach out to someone, especially if this unprecedented time is frightening or worrisome to you.  Because indeed, it is a very frightening and worrisome time for everyone.

For more information about online therapy, please read about it on my website on my online therapy page.


Patrick Mahomes


Erectile Dysfunction