You Be You
I have always loved the phrase “You Be You” because I love the self-acceptance behind those simple words. Years ago, when I was a photographer, I almost named my business Be You Photography.
Today, I tried a new class at my local gym. A friend had suggested it and had said it was great. The class was called “Gluteus Maximus.” Pretty cute huh? My husband said to me that he didn’t know any Roman Emperors named Gluteus Maximus, and I replied there weren’t any and the class butt-er be good! Haha! We are both pretty corny, but it works for us!
The class was great, but it was a killer. I thought I was in good shape but man, this class kicked my butt (pun intended!) The class is designed to focus on really working out your glutes, so we did lots of lunges and squats with weights, and of course, no tough exercise is complete without making it even harder by holding in place and pulsing. At least this instructor told you she was counting to 8 and then actually counted to 8 and you were done. I’ve taken classes from instructors who tell you to hold for one count of 8 and then add two more counts of 8 – every single time! I stop taking those classes on principle.
Near the end of today’s class, when I was dying, questioning why I was there, and seriously thought I was going to throw up, the instructor said the magic words. She said, “You be you. Just do your best!” I smiled despite my physical agony.
I wonder what our world would be like if we could all just focus on being our own best self, and not worry about what other people are doing or saying. What if we only measured our worth against ourselves, and didn’t worry about other’s accomplishments or outward appearance? Wouldn’t that be great?
My readers know that I attended training in early 2017 to become a facilitator for Brene´Brown’s Daring Way™ work. I can’t say enough about this program and how it was like a laser pointer into my own life and how I attached my worthiness to the wrong things and consequently never felt like I was enough. I’ve read lots of self-help books and tried to figure out how to help my clients find the elusive self-esteem. Nothing resonated until I read Brene’s books and became a facilitator. I love using her materials in therapy with individuals, groups and couples. It works for males and females and it works for all ages.
I’ve already added Gluteus Maximus to my schedule for next week. Next time, I’m not going to care if the woman next to me is holding weights that are twice as heavy as mine. I’m just going to focus on being myself, and doing the best I can.
Because really, when it comes down to it, that’s all I can ever do. If you are interested in therapy to help you be you, learn to thrive and create the life you really want, please contact me.