Adult Counseling
Sometimes, we must invest in ourselves by meeting with an objective, non-judgmental, and understanding person who can help us sort through our concerns.
Counseling is something we all need at times in our lives. I want our relationship to be one where you feel important, cared about, and safe to say all of the sad, angry, embarrassing, fearful, or otherwise upsetting things you keep hidden deep inside.
I want you to feel alive, energized, and connected in healthy, meaningful relationships. I want you to learn that you are truly enough and to love and accept yourself.
You don’t have to be perfect, smart, successful, rich, pretty (you fill in the blank) to be valued. I want you to wake up every day feeling like life is amazing. I want to help you create the life you truly want, not the one you think you should be living.
I want you to experience the comfort of being with someone who listens to you and cares about you without judgment, such that you learn to love yourself just because you breathe. I want you to learn that you do not have to do anything special to be worthy or to be loved; that you matter in this world and are worthy just because you breathe.
Many of us have trouble authentically connecting with others or we lose our identity in the process of raising our children or building our careers. We often sacrifice their needs and happiness for others. When our children are older and do not need us as much, we become lost. When our adult children leave home for college and careers, we mourn that time in our lives when our kids were younger, and we struggle with how to create meaning. We have mid-life crises because we have felt stuck and unhappy and are at a loss for how to find joy and meaning in our lives.
Areas I can help you with include:
- Burnout in Your Career and Your Life
- Couple’s Counseling
- Whether to Stay or Leave Your Relationship
- Menopause
- Mid-life Issues
- Communication
- Women’s Issues
- Finding Meaning in Life
- Codependency
- Recovering from a Relationship with a Narcissist
- Adult ADHD/ADD
- Sexual Health (see the page on sex therapy)
- Erectile Dysfunction
- Low Sexual Desire and other Sexual Concerns
- Perfectionism
- Never Feeling like You Are Enough
- Relationship Concerns
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Parenting
- Dealing with Adult Children
- Divorce
- Retirement
- Career Indecision
- Returning to the workforce after raising children
- Adult ADHD/ADD
If you’d like more information or are ready to take the next step to live the life you truly want, please click HERE to contact me.